My exercises collection from the course learning HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.

Junior developer student in Barcelona, working part-time in a Cafeteria
Cafeteria orders

I've started to work on a cafeteria, meanwhile studying spanish and developing. To improve my memory on orders in spanish and keep learning Javascript, I thought to simulate a working day with this page.

check the Barista day!
Card image cap
CSS with JS

Learned to apply CSS with Javascript: listening to a button click, using Math.random to get three pseudo-random number to use as rgb in setting body background.

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Junior Developer learning about event listener and DOM changing thought JS
List / notes

Practicing DOM editing: button and keyboard listener, creating or deleting HTML elements via JS.

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Junior developer in Barcelona, learning about javascript changing the CSS of the webpage
Gradient background

Changing background color, selected by user input.

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